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Important Walter Reed
Pediatric Phone Numbers

Walter Reed Hospital Services

Click on the image to download a thorough listing of contact information for various resources at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Walter Reed Hospital Map

Click on the image to download a map of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.


Dedicated to Your Health Journey

Your personal CaringBridge website is your place to share health updates, photos and videos with the people who care about you.

Private, Protected and Ad-Free

You’re in control of your privacy. Customize your settings to make your updates private or public. Your personal data is never sold, and there’s no outside advertising.

Coordinate Help

Your personal CaringBridge website is designed to rally your family and friends together, to offer you support when and how you need it.

Treatment app

There’s a lot to manage when there is a cancer diagnosis – from appointments and treatments to allergies and side effects. That is why CureSearch developed the CancerCare mobile app to make providing excellent care for children with cancer easier. After downloading the app, you will have quick access to a simple dashboard allowing you, your family and other caregivers to:

  • Organize treatment dates and medication schedules all in one place; and automatically synchronize it with your phone’s calendar

  • Track patient mood, side effects and blood counts, in real time

  • View reports to see trends

  • Access Cancer Care Resources right from the app

  • Confidentially share all of this information with other family caregivers. Mom can add side effects and dad will see it on his phone.

The CureSearch CancerCare mobile app provides support for the parents and caregivers of the more than 15,000 children diagnosed with cancer every year, and the more than 40,000 children undergoing cancer treatment this year alone.

Gold in Fight

We are a foundation dedicated to serving families in need due to hardships caused by pediatric cancer. We are committed to raising money and providing emotional support to relieve some of these stresses. We are a foundation committed to being transparent, and 100% of our proceeds go toward serving families and raising awareness. We do NOT pay ourselves. We are strictly volunteers who have one way or another been affected by this terrible thing known as pediatric cancer. Our executive board members are retired military. 

Art Therapy

The program — which is offered at no charge to patients and their families — works in hospitals, freestanding clinics, and other appropriate settings. Our goal is to provide a child-centered, open studio approach for inpatients and outpatients and to interact with the children while they are receiving infusions and other treatments. We welcome the chance to work with siblings and parents because we know that the entire family is affected when a child has cancer.

Hope Cam

Using the technology of tablet computers, web cameras and high-speed Internet connections, Hopecam connects these children helping to overcome their social isolation. We provide equipment, IT support and work with the school to secure and facilitate their participation.

Believe In Tomorrow

The Believe In Tomorrow Military Initiative was created in an effort to serve the men and women who honor us with their service to our country. We too prioritize military families in our respite and hospital facilities. While their child is receiving treatment at a military hospital, families in the U.S. Armed Services often find themselves far from home, without the support of extended family members. Believe In Tomorrow’s Military Initiative acts as a support system that provides our military families the time to be together, relax, and reconnect.

Believe In Tomorrow has two respite properties dedicated to our military families with critically ill children. The Believe In Tomorrow House on the Bay in Ocean City, MD, first opened its doors to military families in 2007, providing them with a private, bayfront townhome to enjoy a relaxing beach vacation together. In 2010, the Believe In Tomorrow House at Pinnacle Falls opened just outside of Asheville, NC, as a quiet, peaceful mountaintop home for military families to get away.

DC Candlelighters

Childhood cancer places a heavy financial burden on families. In many cases, one parent must reduce work hours or even give up employment completely to care for a critically ill child. At the same time, the family’s expenses skyrocket due to medical and pharmacy co-pays; costs for travel, parking and meals at hospitals; and increased daycare costs for siblings. To help meet these needs, DC Candlelighters offers financial assistance to families of children in treatment for cancer.

Leukemia Lymphoma Society

Speak one-on-one with an Information Specialist who can assist you through cancer treatment, financial and social challenges and give accurate, up-to-date disease, treatment and support information. Our Information Specialists are master's level oncology social workers, nurses and health educators.

American Childhood Cancer Organization

Free Resources for Families and Kids

Through funds raised by supporters, ACCO provides FREE resources for kids with cancer and families affected by childhood cancer. Choose from play medical kits, books for siblings and parents, journals for teens, and more! Fill out our form to request items.

Special Cakes

Icing Smiles is a nonprofit organization that provides custom celebration cakes and other treats to families impacted by the critical illness of a child. We understand that the simple things, like a birthday cake, are luxuries to a family battling illness. Our goal is to create a custom cake for the ill child, or their sibling, that provides a temporary escape from worry and creates a positive memory during a difficult time.

Match Donor

Joining the Be The Match Registry® means volunteering to be listed as a potential blood stem cell donor, ready to save the life of any patient in need of a transplant.


You could be someone’s cure. You could literally save a life.

Long-Term Follow-Up Guidelines for Survivors of Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancers

Although the information within the guidelines will certainly prove valuable to the survivors themselves, the only version currently available is targeted to healthcare professionals. Therefore, survivors who choose to review these guidelines are strongly encouraged to do so with the assistance of a healthcare professional knowledgeable about long-term follow-up care for survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancers.

PCFC Brochure

Download our PCFC brochure by clicking on the image.

Patient & Family Resources

Click on the image to download an extensive list of reliable organizations in the fight against childhood cancer.

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